Are you looking for love? The Blytheville Humane Shelter will most likely have the perfect match for you. Today I was fortunate enough to have been given a guided tour of the facility and I must admit, I was amazed at how dedicated the employees are in their love for these animals. They are true champions for the cats and dogs they house there.
Upon entering the facility, I was greeted with warm welcomes and smiles from all of the staff members. They're very forthcoming in helping you in any way they can. Although I didn't know any of the staff members, I immediately felt as though I was among friends... That's how warm and inviting they are!
The humane shelter building has 16 kennels, and animal control has 24 kennels for a combined total of 40 kennels all together. While walking through the kennels, I happened to notice that not all of the kennels were occupied... and that's a positive thing.
Unlike shelters of years past where you would have a limited choice of animals from which to choose, this is no longer the case. Thanks to the digital age in which we live, the Blytheville Human Society is wired and ready to help you find the exact pet you're looking for. All you have to do is to log on to and search for the cat or dog of your dreams. I have no doubt that should you be looking for a specific breed, the good people at the Blytheville Humane Society will be happy to assist you in your search. The Blytheville Humane Society can also be contacted on
Although separate operations, both the humane society, and animal control are currently operated from this one facility. Should you choose to adopt a cat or a dog, there will be a $69.00 fee which will cover all vaccinations and spaying/neutering.
If your looking for great bargains in clothing or household items, feel free to visit the Humane Society Thrift Store. When I shop there, I most always leave with something. The best part of making a purchase at the thrift store is you're helping feed and care for the animals. I encourage you to go by and check it out. The thrift store is located at 2530 Arizona street on the old Blytheville Air Force Base. Their hours of operation are Friday and Saturday from 9am until 1pm. They can be contacted at (870) 532-6698.

The shelter is always happy to receive any donations that you are willing to help them with. They will even give you a receipt so you can claim the donation on your yearly taxes, so it's a win win situation for both you and the shelter. Should you go out to the humane society and find it closed, don't worry, just leave your donations on the porch of the facility and they will be picked up by an employee when they return or open the following day. Just be sure and package your donations in a box or plastic bag so the contents won't become soiled by weather.
Needed items include:
Cleaning Supplies
Liquid Ajax, garbage bags, paper towels, toilet paper, sponges, bleach, mops, brooms, hand soap, dish soap, and laundry detergent.
Storage Containers
Garbage cans, simple plastic storage containers of all sizes.
Office Supplies
Pens, markers, staplers, staples, scissors, envelopes, printer paper, filing folders and 3 ring binders.
Other Important Needs
Litter boxes, kitty litter, dog/cat shampoo, puppy/kitten shampoo, dog/cat food. Old blankets, throws, or comforters are needed as well as they are used for bedding.
Remember, should you witness or know of anyone who is abusing animals, please contact your local law enforcement and/or your local humane society so the proper authorities can address the issue.